Yevgeny Raitses
Principal Research Physicist
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL)

Telephone: 609-243-2268
Research Interest
Yevgeny Raitses is a Principal Research Physicist at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. He is an expert in experimental plasma physics. He has an extensive publication record with over 100 publications on physics of plasma thrusters, plasma-surface interactions, nanosynthesis plasmas, cross-field discharges, and plasma diagnostics. Dr. Raitses initiated nanosynthesis research at PPPL. He is the head of the Laboratory for Plasma Nanosynthesis (LPN-PPPL) with specific responsibility for experimental activities at LPN-PPPL, including plasma and synthesis experiments. He is also directing PPPL research program on plasma thrusters.Research and Professional Experience
- 2010-present Principal Research Physicist, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
- 2000-2010 Research Physicist, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
- 1998-2000 Associate Research Physicist, Research Staff Physicist, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
- 1992-2000 Researcher, Propulsion Physics Department, Soreq NRC, Israel
- 1991-1992 Research Assistant, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
- l985-l990 Engineer, Scientist, Department of Physical-Energetic Systems, Perm Technical University, Perm, Russia
Honors and Awards
- American Physical Society Fellowship, 2010
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Associate Fellowship, 2009
- Bet Dagan scholarships for academic achievements, Technion, Israel, 1991, 1992
A. Dunavesky, Y. Raitses and N. J. Fisch,"Yield of Secondary Electron Emission from
Ceramic Materials of Hall Thruster", Physics of Plasmas 10, 2574 (2003)
M. Keidar, Y. Raitses, A. Knapp, and A. M. Waas, "Current-driven ignition of single-wall
carbon nanotubes", Carbon 44, 1022 (2006)
M. Keidar, A. M. Waas, Y. Raitses, E. I. Waldorff, "Modeling of the anodic arc discharge and
conditions for single-wall carbon nanotube growth", Journal of Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology 6, 1309 (2006)
Y. Raitses, C.H. Skinner, F. Jiang, T.S. Duffy, "Raman spectroscopy of carbon dust samples
from NSTX", Journal of Nuclear Materials 375, 365 (2008)
A. J. Fetterman, Y. Raitses, M. Keidar, "Enhanced ablation of small anodes in a carbon
nanotube arc plasma", Carbon 46, 1322 (2008)
M. Keidar, A. Shashurin, O. Volotskova, Y. Raitses, I. I. Beilis, "Mechanism of carbon
nanostructure synthesis in arc plasma", Physics Plasmas 17, 057101 (2010)
O. Volotskova, A. Shashurin, M. Keidar, Y. Raitses, V. Demidov, S. Adams, "Ignition and
temperature behavior of a single-wall carbon nanotube sample", Nanotechnology 21, 095705
O. Volotskova, I. Levchenko, A. Shashurin, Y. Raitses, K. Ostrikov, M. Keidar,
Nanoscale 2, 2281 (2010)
Y. Raitses, I. D. Kaganovich, A. Khrabrov, D. Sydorenko, N. J. Fisch, A. Smolyakov, "Effect
of Secondary Electron Emission on Electron Cross-Field Current in E×B Discharges", IEEE
Transactions on Plasma Science 39, 995 (2011)
J. Ng and Y. Raitses, "Role of the cathode deposit in the carbon arc for the synthesis of
nanomaterials", Carbon 77, 80-88 (2014)