Shurik Yatom
Associate Research Physicist
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL)

Telephone: 609-243-3254
Dr. Shurik Yatom has joined PPPL at May 2016 as an Associate Research Physicist. From January 2014 to March 2016 he worked in the University of Minnesota, at the department of Mechanical Engineering, as a postdoctoral associate in a Cold Plasma Diagnostics and Applications Laboratory of Prof. Peter Bruggeman. His focus was laser scattering and fluorescence diagnostics of atomic and molecular species in non-equilibrium plasmas. Main interest of this research was to investigate chemical kinetics of oxidation agents in ambient air plasma jet and plasma-assisted combustion chamber. Prior to his appointment in University of Minnesota Shurik has carried out research of nanosecond discharges in gases at atmospheric and higher pressures as a part of his thesis during a direct PhD track in Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. This research was dedicated to the study of dynamics of the plasma formation on a single nanosecond timescale and the role of energetic runaway electrons in the ignition of the discharge and was conducted in Pulsed Power and Plasma Lab, under the supervision of Prof. Yakov Krasik. Prior to the graduate studies during 2008-2013, Shurik has graduated with B.Sc in Physics, at summer 2008, also from the Technion. Main experience of Dr. Yatom lies in the area of laser diagnostics for plasma characterization, optical emission spectroscopy in the visible range, x-ray and electron foil spectroscopy etc. At PPPL Dr. Yatom continues to develop and apply methods for characterization of plasmas and plasma-assisted processes.