Michael Keidar
Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
The George Washington University

Telephone: 202-994-6929
Email: keidar@gwu.edu
Research Interest
Micro-propulsion and Nanotechnology Laboratory at the George Washington University (GWU) is part of the GW Institute for Nanotechnology (GWIN). GWIN has significant expertise in plasma-based synthesis of nanostructures including carbon nanotubes, graphene and other 2D layered materials.
GWU effort is a part of DOE-sponosred project on plasma-based nanotechnology. Current effort focuses on development of the novel diagnostics for plasma-based synthesis process of nanostructures and complimentary simulation capability. Nanoparticle synthesis region will be determined using high speed probe diagnostics. Probe diagnostic tool will be delivered to PPPL and plasma and nanostructure synthesis software will be employed as an input for PPPL simulation codes.
Honors and Awards
- 2010 Faculty Fellow for the 2010 Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship Program (SFFP)
- 2009 Outstanding SEAS Young Researcher Award
- 2006 Research Faculty Recognition Award by University of Michigan
- 2001 Elected Senior Member, IEEE
- 1997 Rothshild Fellowship Award
- 1997 USIA Fulbright Fellowship Awards
- 1997 Welch Fellowship Award, International Union for Vacuum Science
- 1995 Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Graduate Student Award
Ten Recent Publications
M. Keidar, A. Shashurin, J. Li, O. Volotskova, M. Kundrapu and T. Zhuang, "Arc plasma
synthesis of carbon nanostructures: where is the frontier?", J. Phys. D: Applied Physics 44, 174006 (2011)
O. Volotskova, J. Fagan, J.Y. Huh, F. Phelan Jr., A. Shashurin, M. Keidar,
"Tailored distribution of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes from Arc Plasma Synthesis using
Magnetic Fields", Asc. Nano. 4, 5187-5192 (2010)
I. Levchenko, O. Volotskova, A. Shashurin, Y. Raitses, K. Ostrikov and M. Keidar, "The
large scale production of graphene flakes using magnetically-enhanced arc discharge
between carbon electrodes", Carbon, 48, 4570-4574 (2010)
M. Keidar, "Factors affecting synthesis of single-wall carbon nanotubes in arc discharge"(INVITED PAPER), J. Phys. D; Applied Physics 40, 2388-2393 (2007) (This
paper has been selected by the Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics as one of the ten
most-cited papers published in the Journal in 2007)
O. Volotskova, I. Levchenko, A. Shashurin, Y. Raitses, K. Ostrikov and M. Keidar,
"Single-step synthesis and magnetic separation of graphene and carbon nanotubes in arc
discharge plasmas", Nanoscale 2, 2281-2285 (2010) (This paper was listed among
17 outstanding papers and reviews on Graphene to commemorate the 2010 Nobel Prize in
Physics on graphene by Nanoscale)
M. Keidar, I. Beilis, R. L. Boxman, and S. Goldsmith. "2-D Expansion of the low-density
interelectrode vacuum arc plasma jet in an axial magnetic field", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.
29, 1973-1983 (1996)
M. Keidar, I.D. Boyd and I.I. Beilis, "Plasma flow and plasma-wall transition in Hall
thruster channel", Phys. Plasmas 8, 5315-5322 (2001) (This paper was
selected by the Physics of Plasmas as one of its most cited papers in the 50 years of its
S. Kumar, I. Levchenko, M. Keidar, and K. Ostrikov, "Plasma-enabled growth of
separated, vertically-aligned copper-capped carbon nanocones on silicon", Appl. Phys.
Lett. 97, 151503 (2010)
M G Kong, M Keidar and K Ostrikov, "Plasmas meet nanoparticles-where synergies can
advance the frontier of medicine", J. Phys. D: Applied Physics 44 174018 (2011)
O. Volotskova, A. Shashurin, M. Keidar, Y. Raitses, V. Demidov, S. Adams, "Ignition and
temperature behavior of a single-wall carbon nanotube sample", Nanotechnology 21,
095705 (2010)